Thai Binh Provincial General Hospital is a level I hospital (based on Vietnamese national classification for hospitals), under the management of the Thai Binh Department of Health, and is a provincial-level general medical facility. The hospital performs tasks according to the regulations of the Ministry of Health in Decision 1895/1997/QD-BYT issued on September 19, 1997, which includes emergency care, examination, treatment, medical training, scientific research in medicine, health-care direction for lower-level units, disease prevention, international cooperation, and hospital economic management.

     The Thai Binh Provincial General Hospital was established in 1903, originally known as the Thai Binh Public Clinic. Over nearly 120 years of development under various names, the hospital has firmly established itself in providing healthcare services to the people of Thai Binh and neighboring provinces. On average, the hospital receives between 800 and 1200 outpatient visits and accommodates 1200-1500 inpatients daily. The number of patients coming for treatment is increasing, and the number of cases that need transferring has been significantly reduced.  Many advanced medical techniques have been successfully implemented at the hospital, such as vascular interventions, total hip replacement surgery, spinal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, and hemodialysis. The hospital also serves as the main clinical practice facility for the Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy and the Thai Binh Medical College. With its achievements, the hospital, its Party Committee, Board of Directors, and its staff have received numerous awards from the Party, the Government, central and local ministries.

     The hospital also serves as the main clinical practice facility:

* Hospital Management Board

This board comprises the Director and three Vice Directors.

  • The director is the head of the hospital and is directly responsible to higher authorities for all hospital activities.
  • Vice Directors assist the Director in various aspects of their assigned tasks and are responsible to the Director for their decisions.

Additionally, there are councils that assist the Director Board, such as the Drug and Treatment Council, Income Increase Examination Council, Project Council, Infection Control Council, and others.

* Organizational structure:

  • 2 centers: Oncology Center and Cardiovascular Center
  • 10 functional departments: General Planning Department, Finance and Accounting Department, IT Department, Nursing Department, Organizing and Administration Department, Training and Healthcare Direction Department, Hospital Quality Management Department, Infrastructure Management Department, Medical Equipment Department and Social Work Department.
  • 32 departments:

+ Clinical Departments:

  • Outpatient Department, Emergency Department, Hemodialysis Department, Intensive Care and Poisoning Control Department.
  • Internal medicine: Cardiology Department, Geriatrics Department, Endocrinology Department, Gastroenterology Department, Respiratory Department, Neurology Department, Infectious Diseases Department, Rehabilitation Department, Traditional Medicine Department, Clinical Hematology Department, Nephrology and Musculoskeletal System Department, Dermatology Department.
  • Surgical Departments: General Surgery Department, Surgical Urology Department, Neurological & Spinal Surgery Department, Traumatology Department, Ophthalmology Department, Odonto-Stomatology Department, Ear-nose-throat Department, Anesthesia Department.

+ Paraclinical Departments: Diagnostic Imaging Department, Functional Exploration Department, Hematology and Blood Transfusion Department, Biochemistry Department, Microbiology Department, Histopathology Department, Infection Control Department, Pharmacy Department, Nutrition Department.